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Our customer Charlie in NJ told us "Leaving your garage open at night is the easiest way to get your snowblower stolen." These automations will make sure we don't forget to close the garage when we leave the house or late at night

Check Garage on Exit

This automation waits for an exit area notification from IFTTT and then sends an IOS message if the garage was left open.

- id: 'garage_check'
  alias: Check_Garage_On_Exit_Area
  - event_data:
      action: mbl_away_check
    event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
    platform: event
    condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.front_garage
        state: 'on'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.rear_garage
        state: 'on'
  - data:
      message: Garage is still open on exit
      title: Garage Warning
    service: notify.ios_mbl_iphone

Check Garage at Sundown

This automation checks the garage status at sundown and then again at 11PM. If the garage is open at either of these two times an IOS message is sent

- id: late_garage_check
  alias: late_Garage_check
    - platform: sun
      event: sunset
    - platform: time
      at: '23:00:00'
    condition: or
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.front_garage
        state: 'on'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.rear_garage
        state: 'on'
  - data:
      message: Garage open late
      title: Garage Warning
    service: notify.ios_mbl_iphone

Check For Garage Open Late

We need one more automation to check if we see a garage open event past our last poll time (11PM).

- id: 'garage_late_open_check'
  alias: garage_late_open_check
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.rear_garage
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  - entity_id: binary_sensor.front_garage
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  - after: '23:00:00'
    before: '23:59:59'
    condition: time
  - after: '00:00:00'
    before: '06:00:00'
    condition: time
  - data:
      message: garage opened late
      title: garage warning
    service: notify.ios_mbl_iphone